Saturday, June 4, 2016

Yahuwah Used Flood to Kill Evil Vegans

Vegans are indeed evil people! Eve, the first female and a vegan (actually Fruitarian) woman, fell for Satan's lie and ate a fruit, yes, a fruit, not animal meat, she then lied to Adam and tricked him to eat the fruit too. Evil vegan!

Cain, a vegan and the first murderer in history! He was a vegetable farmer, he killed his own brother. Evil vegan!

Then as the evil vegans multiplied on earth they turned against Yahuwah, so Yahuwah killed them all, except Noah and his family who probably ate animal meat while all the other people who were evil were vegans and ate only plants.

After the flood, Yahuwah loved Noah and his family so much he told them to eat meat from any animal, except humans of course, because animal meat is healthy and nutritious providing health benefits to Noah and his family.

Before the flood, Yahuwah never told the vegans to eat meat, maybe because he didn't like the evil vegans so he didn't tell them to eat it. Animal meat is naturally designed for human consumption, animal meat is rich in vitamin B12 which is not found in plants, fish is rich in EPA/DHA omega-3 fatty acids which are insignificant in plants, these are highly beneficial nutrients in human body, especially B12, it is scientific fact.