It's a total myth that eating more produce such as vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains is optimal for health, and eating plenty of meat is bad for health and causes cancer, nothing further from the truth. I used to fall for those myths, after I did tons of researches and collected tons of official data, the conclusion is it's more important to eat more animal based foods than plant based foods.
Myth: meat causes cancer and heart disease.
Truth: Arctic Inuit's traditional diet is over 90% natural raw meat, their diet has highest percentage of meat and animal fat in the world. Inuit who eat such traditional diet have excellent health. Inuits ate mostly meats from both land and sea sources before White men introduced plant based foods to the Arctic. Inuit who ate traditional mostly meat diet had excellent health index, probably best in the world, they had extremely low rate of cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, even their life expectancy was among highest in the world if not for the hazardous environment they live in, their main cause of early deaths was injuries due to accidents and freezing cold weather most of the year.
I must point out that Inuit diet contains plenty of meats from seawater source, such as sea fish and sea mammals, their meats have good balance of various different fats which are excellent for health.